Our gallery proudly showcases a curated collection of Aboriginal art from diverse Australian artists. Each piece has been ethically sourced by our owner, Tiffany Mitchum. This collection highlights the rich cultural heritage and unique artistic expressions of Aboriginal communities.


Gallery hours are updated monthly, and are subject to change, based on scheduled events


Submit Your Work for our Spring Exhibition:

“Nature & Form”

Exibition Theme: “Nature & Form”

“Nature & Form” – A theme that explores natural elements and organic shapes, inviting both literal representations of nature and more abstract interpretations.

We are looking for artists who can bring this theme to life through a variety of mediums and styles. If you would like to be considered for this exhibition, please submit your work by Saturday November 9th.

How to Apply:

  1. Fill out the submission form below.
  2. Include up to 10 images of your work that best represent your interpretation of the theme.
  3. Provide a brief artist statement explaining your work and how it connects to the theme.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: Saturday November 9th.

  • Selected Artists Notified: Tuesday December 3rd.

  • Exhibition Dates: January 14 – mid summer (TBD)

We look forward to seeing how you interpret “Nature & Form” and can’t wait to showcase your creativity in our gallery!