Vows for various religious wedding ceremonies typically follow a stale monologue formatting. More and more couples are forgoing the tradition of stating the typical “I-Do’s” by writing personal wedding vows to share with their significant other. Making your wedding vows unique can evoke experience, emotion, intimacy and depth for both your partner and your guests.
Traditional wedding vows vary throughout different types of religious practices. For example, in the Catholic wedding ceremony, the couple will repeat “I, _____, take you, _____, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.” As traditional vows are used in religious ceremonies, most of couples at Rembrandt tend to lean in a more personal direction. Sharing modernized vows is an opportunity for each partner to publicly proclaim their love and commitment in a more unique manner.
In one of May’s weddings, the groom, Max, decided to add some personality to their vows by incorporating a musical component with his groomsmen. He began his vows by breaking out a recorder to tune into key, while his groomsmen followed by singing “Kissed By a Rose” by Seal. He continued to sing alongside his groomsmen while their guests broke out into laughter. Max was able to incorporate his sense of humor and heart during his ceremony by including song and finishing his vows with heartfelt promises to his wife, Emily.
There are many opportunities throughout your wedding day to add personal touches throughout. Choosing to write and share personal vows allows for an intimate opportunity to share your story and express meaningful words to the person you love.